M     E     T     A     L     U     N     A

Manufacturer unknown.

Metaluna monster  model picture
METALUNA monster  model picture
METALUNA   model picture
METALUNA  model picture
METALUNA  model picture
METALUNA  model picture
Model was made of soft vinyl, simlar to HALCYON ALIEN models and was assembled using superglue, gaps filled with milliput which was shaped while still wet. Completed in acrylic paints from a pallet mix, not detailed exactly to the colors used on the movie version. After the paint was completly dry (24 hours min) , then painted with several layers of acrylic gloss clear over the head to give a transslucent look. HUMBROL c METALCOLOR ALUMINUM also used on waistband.
Vinyl models are very easy to assemble, but the modeler should clean all the parts before assembly with a strong detergent to remove any residual mould release agent, then wash with a lot of water , dry, then clean again with white spirit to give a surface for the paint to adhere. (Do not soak in spirit, only rub with it). Some modelers spray the model first with a grey undercoat. Enamel thinners are not recommended as thinners may soften the plastic, though the model can be pained in enamels if prefered, then painted enamel gloss varnish. TAMYA model acrylics were used, but any make of acrylic are suitable. I finished the model head, hands, feet and carprice (Backpack thing) in several layers of gloss acrylic varnish washes in various tints of acrylic.
NOTE: Vinyl materal will outgass chemicals that will casue other plastics to melt if left in contact for a long period, so it is best to wrap in paper if the model is to be stored.
Approx 13 inches (30 cm ) tall.

Based on the Monster from the planet Metaluna from the 1953 movie ' This Island Earth' which told of a professor taken to the planet to do atomic resarch for Brack , a human-like alien. When the professor tries to escape with a female companion, he encounters the wounded monster in a corridor. Later the mosnter gets on board the flying saucer taking our heroes back to earth. A superior science fiction movie because of the special effects which were advanced for the time.

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